[EN] Poseidon version: 0.69

With some days of late, here the update of June, 0.69.1430. As usual you will find the new commands and functions for the latest version of Arma 3 but not only.Poseidon Tools begins to socialize with Mikero Tools, with a basic support for the moment. In the menu >> “External programs” >> “Mikero”, you will find […]

[EN] Poseidon version: 0.65

It’s time to update Poseidon Tools, this time, a little bit before the deadline  The bases of Poseidon Tools are now ready and next step will add more features. So, you can expect to new features, like SVN support (plus, maybe GIT) and some interactions with Arma 3 Tools, among others. Then, will come the turn of […]

Arma 3 scripting, Return a random value between min and max

Return a random value between min and max. Note that if #0 > #1, the function will swap vars. If the random result is lower than min, it returns the min. Same for the max value.

[EN] CWR2 DLC: Russian Naval Infantry

W0lle has posted a short trailer of the upcoming DLC for Arma 2: Cold War Rearmed, here it is: This DLC is in development since summer 2013 and should be released soon :) Source: Cold War Rearmed Website

[EN] Poseidon version: 0.64

A while ago I didn’t published an update of Poseidon, this time, not because of lack of feedback (even if some are really pointless) but in reason of time… As usual, it’s still hard to find enough time to work on community projects. So, what’s new here? Firstly, some codes have been optimized for Windows […]

Steam et les mises Ă  jour

La question existentielle d’un joueur : “C’est pour nous faire chier que vous mettez le jeu sur Steam ?!” Ce système permet simplement de diffuser les mises Ă  jours du produit via le rĂ©seau Steam Ă  tous les clients et il y a des bĂ©nĂ©fices non nĂ©gligeables !

Cold War Rearmed² – What do you dream of?

Et oui, je suis toujours en activité, je manque juste de temps pour poster ici ! Promis, je me rattrape bientôt !

Le jeu vu par un staff…

On me demande souvent Ă  quoi peut ressembler un jeu vidĂ©o en mode “debug”, bien voici un exemple avec Pirates of the Burning Sea. Je tiens Ă  prĂ©ciser que les images sont très “claires” car j’Ă©tais Ă  la recherche d’erreurs de contraste ! Vue “joueur”

Montage vidéo

Il m’arrive de produire des vidĂ©os… Rarement pour  le publique, mais en voici une ;) Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Audition, Adobe AfterEffects, Sony Vegas Pro, ArmA2OA, TexView 2