With some days of late, here the update of June, 0.69.1430. As usual you will find the new commands and functions for the latest version of Arma 3 but not only.
Poseidon Tools begins to socialize with Mikero Tools, with a basic support for the moment. In the menu >> “External programs” >> “Mikero”, you will find links to some tools like PBO Project, DeRap, Elitness etc… This is a step towards the building system. Also, the socialization between Arma 3 Tools and Poseidon Tools go deeper with the ability to start Arma 3 Tools from Poseidon and start Poseidon from Arma 3 Tools (on dev branch or with the hot fix 69762). By the way, there are new shortcuts to open Arma 3 Tools or Mikero Tools.
Aside this, some improvements have been made on the performances and layout and based on some requests, binary files are now displayed in plain text instead of hexa.
 Please, keep in mind that Poseidon is not an official tool, so, use at your own risk.
What’s new?
- Added: New commands for Arma 3 1.23.125365
- Added: New Functions for Arma 3 1.23.125365
- Added: Shortcut to open Arma 3 Tools launcher (F7)
- Added: Shortcut to open Mikero tools (ctrl+F7)
- Added: Shortcut to open Poseidon’s installer (shift+F7)
- Added: Shortcut to open logs from Arma 3 Diagnostics Exe (
- Added: Command from Arma 3 Diagnostics Exe (
- Added: Native support of Mikero Tools, Menu >> External programs >> Mikero (
- Added: Snippets handle autocompletion
- Added: Shortcut shift+tab to unindent the current line
- Added: Animation when expanding or collapsing folders in the side bar
- Changed: PBO and EBO files removed from “Goto Anything”
- Changed: Scroll bars are now diplayed in overlay, sync with the minimap
- Changed: stdout of Arma 3 Community Tools is now hidden
- Changed: Scroll speed inscreased of 5%
- Changed: Fallback to UTF-8 when unable to determine file encoding
- Changed: Bin file are displayed as it is (no more Hexa)
- Changed: Default encoding changed from “ANY” to UTF-8
- Changed: Line ending character used changed from “LF” to “CRLF” (system value)
- Changed: decrease of 10 ms of the delay before displaying autocomplete window (now 40ms)
- Changed: stdout of Arma 3 Community Tools is now hidden
- Changed: Poseidon.dll for Arma 3 Community Tools 0.68+ (
- Fixed: Various typo in core scripts
- Fixed: Anti-aliasing was wrong on some OS
- Fixed: Various typo in core scripts
- Fixed: Diag_* command group was missing from auto-completion
- Fixed: Keyword highlighting of issue, todo, check, note were case sensitive (SQF)
Known issues:
- N.A.
- Poseidon Tools @ tom4897.info – 0.69.1430, 25/06/2014
- Poseidon Tools @ armaholic.com – 0.69.1430, 25/06/2014