Poseidon Tools version: 0.70 – Privatize, auto indent, fixes…

Today…. It’s patch day!

As usual this update adds the auto completion and highlighter for latest Arma 3 version (pre 1.26) but not only.

The first addition has been requested many times since a while, this is a command (ctrl+e, ctrl+p) to generate the “private” statement, based on the text selected. For those who were waiting for, you can thank Noubernou because I had totally forgotten this task (mainly because I prefer privatize variables for a scope or just before using it ;)

The next addition is the “TM4 indenter” (ctrl+e, ctrl+i). It’s a pretty simple wrapper of uncrustify with pre-determined configurations. This is an experimental version that needs some more work to get something perfect. For the moment, there is a major issue with some IF and WHILE, the indentation is doubled (2 tabs instead of 1) but all the rest works like a charm. Also, during evaluation stage, it can only parse script files (sqf) and a backup is generated (filename.sqf.raw), I invite you to update your exclusion list from FileBank. Later, after the evaluation stage, it will be released as standalone version for those who wants it.

This update also includes some minor features like some new shortcuts or also the final fix of “Open a CMD here…” The details and others features are in the change log.

For those who don’t use the development branch of Arma 3 Tools, take note that its launcher will be able to run Poseidon soon, in the main branch.

As for the future, the next stage is a big one, the updater and the ability to change the language of the menu. For the moment, only French is done, thanks to Yourry! Also, take note that the version number system has changed, from now, pair numbers are public releases, and impairs are internal or development version.

By the way, the updater will be available within Poseidon and as separate package, this is because, in its   first iteration, it will also update Mikero Tools.

Finally, I hope you will enjoy this version and as usual, feel free to use / share / provide feedback… it is not because I do not answer it as I do not study the question ;)

Please, keep in mind that Poseidon Tools is not an official tool, so, use at your own risk.

What’s new?

  • Added: Function to find all local variables in the selection and privatize them. (ctrl+e, ctrl+p)
    • Note: This ignores the “magic variables” (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Magic_Variables)
  • Added: <experimental> tm4_indenter, simple program to auto indent files (ctrl+e, ctrl+i)
  • Added: Command to indent the current file in mode Quick’n Dirty (ctrl+alt+e, ctrl+alt+i)
  • Added: Detection of uncomplete array (e.g. _array = [item2, item2, itemN, ];)
  • Added: //note,//todo,//check,//issue keywords are now supported in missionConfigFile and configFile
  • Added: New Commands for Arma 3 1.25.125903
  • Added: New Functions for Arma 3 1.25.125903
  • Added: Shortcut to convert indentation to TAB (ctrl+e, ctrl+tab)
  • Added: Shortcut to convert indentation to space (ctrl+e, ctrl+space)
  • Changed: Updated Command Palette (ctrl+shift+p)
  • Changed: When open a SQM with Arma 3, it will try to start it with arma3diag.exe first (will use arma3.exe if arma3diag fails)
  • Changed: Smallest text size is now 6 (was 8)
  • Changed: Icon for installer
  • Changed: Bracket highlighter, removed threshold
  • Fixed: Poseidon was unable to run Addon Builder (missing registry key from AB)
  • Fixed: Working directory of OpenCMD (“External tools” >> “Open CMD here”) was wrong

Known issues:

  • TM4_indenter: indentation if and while statement can be doubled in some cases (unidentified for the moment)


source: Bohemia Interactive Forum

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